Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where Do You Think You're Goin?

Even though they are the competition, State Farm has a great commercial with a kid that grabs his leather jacket and a set of keys, and tells his father that he is going to work. Google it, youtube it, whatever, but it is worth a look.

In a similar fashion, I was leaving for work the other day and Joey became obsessed with my Swimmy, Swammy, Samsonite Briefcase. So, we let him check it out.



peditto said...

Who carries a briefcase anymore???

aunt ka said...

Send that baby to work!

The Lafferty's said...

Ned Ryerson

Big Joe said...

Did he try to eat it too? Hopefully when he's older he can work from home and not have to carry any bag.

Linda said...

Joey is very curious about everything around him. Maybe he will have his own company.

Teacher Betty said...

Get that baby a briefcase!
Maybe a little black suit!
He looks so cute in anything. KK AB

AuntP said...

There are laws against putting children to work too soon...let him play!!!!!! Love the pics xo.