Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What the heck is a Papasan

I'm still not sure.

We've all watch Joey grow over the past 8 months. At this point, he still has a chance. This weekend, as a rite of passage, I put his swing away in the garage at Wyncliffe Heights. The swing served its purpose and was a safe haven for naps for many months.

Thank you Swing.


Big Joe said...

Gee thanks for the credit! I originally put the swing together. Before putting it away I put the plastic bags over it and put it in the garage. All you did was open the garage door. But we do make a good team.

Dana said...

Hey Joey -- stop trying to steal your old man's Papasan putaway thunder!

Teacher Betty said...

Wow! Joey looks so huge in the last picture. I think he will be running the bases soon. KK AB

AuntP said...

The next baby will need some pink on the swing!!!!!!!!!!!(lil Nicole)

Papasan means....Pop and son put away swing together!HA HA HA

Joey is getting soooooooo big. He is a little cutie pie..kiss kiss

aunt ka said...

Kudos to both of you....I am very impressed!!!! Cute Joey.

Linda said...

I already forget how little he was. You really miss those days!! He definitely looked like the boys when he was born. Pat, I love your definition of Papasan.