Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Better Pics

It may seem as though I am bothering poor Joey in many of the pics. Well, maybe I am...

Here are some better pics to bring everybody up to speed:

And here is another one of me bothering him and dressing him up for the big series.

My New Old Sneaks

I'm sure the Aunts will love this...

After years of making fun of my Dad (Big Joe), I bought a pair of Chuck Taylors. I guess they are semi cool but they are by far the most uncomfortable sneakers that I have ever worn. When it came time to buy Joey his first pair of sneakers, I decided to go with the Chucks. I would have preferred to buy him a pair of Jordans but they are more expensive and usually come with a dumb hat.

Here is a picture of Joey with me lovin' his new old sneaks.

Lets Go Phils!

Obviously, I haven't been on much. Thanks for hanging in there. Let's look at some new pics. Should have a couple new posts up tonight.

The Phils made the playoffs again and Joey is thrilled because he has plenty of Phillies outfits to wear. Even if you live in Kentucky or California, please help Joey root for the home team. Lets Go Phils!

The first pic is my favorite with the hat and shirt, but check out the difference in the next 2. I think he has been going to the Bungalow.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hangin Out

I love plopping Joey down on the couch and taking his picture. He keeps his head up now and likes to talk to us. I'll post the voicemail that he left for my parents on their anniversary later. Here are a couple very recent shots of Joey hangin out on the couch.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back to Work

Today was Nicole's first day back at Enterprise. To celebrate, Joey decided to wake up at 5 instead of 6. Even with the early start, things worked out. Mom Mom Marie watched Joey today. Although the day was slow at work, Nicole made it home in one piece and Joey was so excited to see her.

During the first 3 months, Nicole did an awesome job and had a lot of fun. Joey really loves his Mommy. Remember all of that crying from the last entry, he doesn't do that for her.

I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do. It's my son having fun and laughing with his Mommy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

3 month old party at Wyncliffe

I'm disappointed in my lack of posts lately. Hang in there with me. I've been sick. I know, wahhhhh or whaaaaa. I gave it to Nicole. Joey seems to be okay. Already, he's the toughest one of the bunch.

Joey is 3 months old today and to celebrate, Nicole attended a baby shower and left the 2 of us alone for some partying. Unfortunately, Joey was in no mood to do anything, let alone to party with Dad. Nicole left at 1:03 or some time very close to that. Joey took 3 small naps of approximately 20 minutes each. Nicole got back at 4:20 or so. 4:20 minus 1:03 is about 3 hours together. Again, he slept for about an hour total. So, for the remaining 2 hours while he was awake, he did nothing but cry. Well, he did pee on my new Star Wars book. I can't believe my neighbors didn't call the cops. Maybe he is sick... Actually, a belly ache is the culprit. (UPDATE, HE WENT.)

Only one picture today and it is from our awesome day together. See how much fun he had? I'm sure many of you will recognize the name on his shirt. This was a present from Uncle Brian Hufford (and Aunt Jen). While we joke about it often, if Pisano's was still open, I would still be working there.

Happy Birthday Bud. Now, who's ready for some crazy drinks!?!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Much Needed Exercise

When Hanna is not dropping rain on Clifton, we like to take Joey out for a walk. We think he likes it and only once has he been sweaty. Check out a few of our pics. They are from my cell phone, hence the lesser quality. The first one is Grand Pop's favorite.

A Good Night Sleep?

I'll try to catch up today with a few posts. Hope everybody out there is doing great.

This is an oldie, but a goodie. "All right, All right this is an oldie, but uh, it's an oldie where I come from. All right guys, it's a blues riff in B, watch me for the changes, and uh, try and keep up, OK?"

Weeks back, Joey was waking up with a lot of mucus. The doctor told us that it is normal for a baby to have mucus. Well, we weren't convinced. Mom Mom Linda had a brilliant idea to buy Joey an elevated sleeper (? pad, cushion, pillow, whatever it is called?). We tried it out. When he woke up, he wasn't in the same spot that we left him. Somehow, he slid down the cushion. Worked great, huh!

For those of you who got the movie reference, he is an older pic of us.