Sunday, September 14, 2008

3 month old party at Wyncliffe

I'm disappointed in my lack of posts lately. Hang in there with me. I've been sick. I know, wahhhhh or whaaaaa. I gave it to Nicole. Joey seems to be okay. Already, he's the toughest one of the bunch.

Joey is 3 months old today and to celebrate, Nicole attended a baby shower and left the 2 of us alone for some partying. Unfortunately, Joey was in no mood to do anything, let alone to party with Dad. Nicole left at 1:03 or some time very close to that. Joey took 3 small naps of approximately 20 minutes each. Nicole got back at 4:20 or so. 4:20 minus 1:03 is about 3 hours together. Again, he slept for about an hour total. So, for the remaining 2 hours while he was awake, he did nothing but cry. Well, he did pee on my new Star Wars book. I can't believe my neighbors didn't call the cops. Maybe he is sick... Actually, a belly ache is the culprit. (UPDATE, HE WENT.)

Only one picture today and it is from our awesome day together. See how much fun he had? I'm sure many of you will recognize the name on his shirt. This was a present from Uncle Brian Hufford (and Aunt Jen). While we joke about it often, if Pisano's was still open, I would still be working there.

Happy Birthday Bud. Now, who's ready for some crazy drinks!?!


peditto said...

He's definitely got a Hammer head -- it's like half his body.

Does he have any ECW shirts? Anything Morton News?

aunt ka said...

What a Stephen face! So cute

Dana said...

Yeah, he totally looks like Stephen. Sorry he was grumpy, Joe. I feel for you. Lucas cried like that for 7 months. So give it another 4 months or so and it'll be ok. But wait, Brooke is still crying at 21 months. Guess I'm not helping.

He is so cute, even when crying!!

Dana said...

Hey wait, do I see a belt under the pillow? Careful, he may pull it out and start whippin' you, daddy!

Big Joe said...

Yep, another Hammer Head. Looks like he can scream real good too. Some party, no cake?

AuntP said...

You are doing a great job with the adventures of Joey Lou!

Someone pick him up and give him a hug....kiss kiss little one!

He looks like Nicole P when she use to cry....

Linda said...

I called my grandson to sing happy birthday to him and he cried!!!! Patty I guess you will have to sing opera...You know I just asked Joe, if Nicole cried when we were babysitting her and he said the whole time.....Somehow mom's can handle the crying......I have to tell all of you about how advanced my grandson is...Joey asked the baby to say happy anniversary to us and in baby talk he said something that was 5 syllables and to me sounded like anniversay...message will be posted to all

Unknown said...

I want Uncle Tom !!!!

Teacher Betty said...

Nicole cried periodically. Michael cried all the time. Keep a binky around at all times. It will pass eventually.
This picture is a Stephen look alike.
Hang in there, somehow we all make it through those early months. You will get to sleep a whole night when he goes to college!!!!!
hen again that is a whole new set of worries... but it is all very much worth it!!!!

bhuffy23 said...

There is your future grill man. He might even be able to use the slicer at some point(Only if uncle Bri teaches him and not Joey). But when it comes to crazy drinks, only his Pop can teach him that.