Thursday, March 26, 2009


Nicole will sure love this one.

Depending upon the website you check, Lafferty originally appeared as O'Flaithbheartaigh. Stephen did research ONCE and found O'Flaherty as an origin.

Regardless, Nicole likes to point out that Joey is about 80% Italian. And speaking of Italian and name origins, my favorite is Nicholas Martello who we all know as Edgar Hammer.

Regardless Regardless, Happy belated St Patrick's Day. Here's some pics from the uneventful day. More bibs Mike.


Teacher Betty said...

He looks like an Irish boy with that bib. KK AB

peditto said...

Love the Stephen blank stare -- and the big Lafferty head.

Did you get him his "My First Wedding" bib yet? Not much time left.

aunt ka said...

He is also Norwegian! Whatever he is ..........HE IS a beautiful baby!

Big Joe said...

He looks 100% Italian to me. He should be Joey Laffertino or Lavioli. According to my calculations Joey is 1/16 Norwegian, 1/8 Irish and 13/16 Italian or .125, .0625 and .8125

Dana said...

So cute! Love the Homer ride.

Dana said...

I think he's 100% American!

I an mother to a mut and an Asian. Same father. ;-)

Linda said...

Mike I can't find the wedding bib, but thanks for the idea. Your crazy aunt linda. Dana he used to be scared to death of the homer rocker. He is getting used to it.

AuntP said...

Ummm hello??? Could you please post something new! I have nothing to read while im suppose to be working!

Joey is such a cutie pie! I want to see more updated pics!

(its Lauren not Aunt Patti)