Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hi Everybody. Hope all is well. Things are good here other than the blog being slow. I should have a few new posts this weekend. Some exciting stuff. Stay tuned...

On March 14th, Joey turned 9 months. Here's a few pics.



peditto said...

Dude is getting THIN

aunt ka said...

We love this little guy!

Teacher Betty said...


AuntP said...

So cute...can't wait to see him again!

Dana said...

What a big guy! He is so cute. I'm looking forward to seeing him again. PS -- Does he have a backseat partner (mom) all of the time? That backwards carseat is a pain until they're 12 months...they get so lonely! Brooke had to wait longer because she didn't hit the 20lb. mark for awhile after that.

Linda said...

It's hard to believe that my little boyfriend is nine months old. Joey is so much fun to be around. Alittle hard to change his diaper. He twist his whole body. Johnny wasn't even that bad.