Thursday, March 26, 2009


Nicole will sure love this one.

Depending upon the website you check, Lafferty originally appeared as O'Flaithbheartaigh. Stephen did research ONCE and found O'Flaherty as an origin.

Regardless, Nicole likes to point out that Joey is about 80% Italian. And speaking of Italian and name origins, my favorite is Nicholas Martello who we all know as Edgar Hammer.

Regardless Regardless, Happy belated St Patrick's Day. Here's some pics from the uneventful day. More bibs Mike.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hi Everybody. Hope all is well. Things are good here other than the blog being slow. I should have a few new posts this weekend. Some exciting stuff. Stay tuned...

On March 14th, Joey turned 9 months. Here's a few pics.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Family Fotos Fand Fa Few Favorites From February

FI Fried Foo Fart Feverything Fith Fan F Fif Fou Fidn't Fotice.

If I ever missed any of your birthdays I didn't do it on purpose. As I mentioned on Dana's blog, the end of Feb and beginning of March is a busy time for birthdays which include Uncle Skippy, Stephen, Aunt Maryanne, Mom Mom, and Jimmy. The best part is that Uncle Skippy has had the least actual birthdays. He was born on a leap year. I pulled out a few favorites for the blog. I hope you enjoy. Please let me know if you do not want your picture up.

Also, I included a few more favorites from Feb.

Last, I hope you all have contracted Spring Fever. I can't wait for stupid winter to stupid end. Fupid Finter.