Wednesday, December 31, 2008

On Christmas Day in the Morning (WITH PICS)

The title is from a song from the Fatima Christmas Play. It's called, "I saw three ships." I heard it once on the radio and it was awful. It was great during the play though.

Joey's First Christmas was so special. He was such a good boy that Santa visited our house and left him some really great presents. He doesn't know how to play with his toys yet but he was still very excited.

When you really think about it, the Grinch was right. Not the bad Grinch, but the good Grinch at the end of the story. " 'Maybe Christmas,' he thought, 'doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!' " I've had some really, really great Christmas' but this entire holiday season with Joey was the absolute best. I look forward to many great holidays with Joey and all of you in the future.

Here are a few of of favorite pics. Unfortunately, we only took a few because we used our video camera on Christmas morning.

Merry Christmas everyone.


aunt ka said...

Thanks Joey........We love you all and love hearing all of the stories. Family is so very special.....keep it coming.

AuntP said...

Joey,welcome back!Keep the pics and stories coming...we don't get to see enough of each other so keep posting....Love ya, Aunt P

peditto said...

Those pictures are amazing.

The last one is easily my favorite though. He's definitely got some lafferty in him..

I also love how on Xmas morning, the son wore the red shirt, and the father wore a star wars shirt.

aunt ka said...

Kiss or bite that BABY!

Dana said...

GREAT pics! The color coordination of your Christmas outfits is phenomenal. Love it. Who the hell bought that baby a Red Rider BB gun? Hilarious! But, yes, like Michael I will have to say that the last one is the best. Those two are going to get into some trouble together.

Teacher Betty said...

The boys are really going to have a lot of fun together. They are both so adorable.KKAB

Linda said...

The pictures are great Joey. Santa did a wonderful job. Looks like everyone was good at Wyncliffe Heights

Kim Federico said...

Joey, these are great!!! The infamous picture of Joey eating Michael!!! How much longer do you think it will be until Michael starts eating Joey? LOL!! We love you guys!!!