Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Turn That Frown Upside Down

Our little guy is developing quite the personality already and some of the stuff is pretty funny.

I'm no Mark Morrison, but I've been singing to Joey since he was in his Mommy's belly. My favorite song to sing has been, "Take me out to the Ballgame." At a recent Phillies game, I purchased a Build a Phanatic for Joey (about $40). When you squeeze his hand, it plays take me out to the ballgame (additional $8). To our surprise, when you play the song for him, he actually frowns and pouts. While we do feel bad that he doesn't like it, it is hysterical to watch him do this. Here is a picture of Joey with his arch nemesis the Phanatic.

Even though I think she's crazy, Nicole believes that she can make Joey smile. I haven't seen it yet. I think she just bothers him more than me to the point that it looks like he is smiling. I just let him relax and watch Spiderman cartoons with me. Either way, here are two pictures of a younger slimmer Joey caught in the act while sleeping.

Joey really enjoys his bath time. I hope this keeps up. We don't want him to be a dirt ball like 2 of his uncles. Here's a picture of Joey drying off after a nice bath.

And finally, Nicole took Joey to work the other day. During his visit, he took a huge dump. Awesome stuff. Even though I don't have a picture for this, here is one of my favorites:


peditto said...

Ah, Mark -- Stop worrying about your big break!

Those smiling pictures are kindy freaky... but that Phanatic looks like a good $50 well spent. you should've added a Pete Incaviglia jersey for another $20.

Teacher Betty said...

The many faces of Joey Lafferty. Thanks for the pix, we get to see his moods and get to know him.
I love blogs!

Uncle Frank wanted Mike to play baseball but the game wasn't for Mike. He neded to be running all the time.
Maybe Joey will be a runner like Mikie.

aunt ka said...

Beautiful little boy! Thanks so much for the blog,it does keep us all in touch. I think he just may be in the major league!!!!!!!!

AuntP said...

I think Joey Jr looks like his mom mom...Linda today!

The phanatic pic is so cute, I can't wait to see him on Sunday!

See ya Sunday...xxx ooo

johnny said...

gay joe - is he taller than you yet?

johnny said...

or maybe he is a Mets fan. If that's the case, we may have to consider selling him on the black market.

Linda said...

FYI...his uncles are not dirtballs. I think it is the loud pitch in the phanatic music that makes him frown. Then again he should be used to that, he listens to his mom talk to him all day!!