Saturday, February 6, 2010

Joey Turned 1?

Hello. Anybody there?

Nicole yelled at the other day for not posting anything anymore. I'd like to post a few things before I venture out to shovel. Please note, I hate the cold weather. Why do we live here? Mike, how much snow did you get?

As far as the blog goes, I missed a lot of stuff over the past 9 months or so. First, I'd like to post some birthday stuff, followed by more recent pics, followed followed by some holiday classics, and then the post that you all have been waiting for - a countdown of the events of 2009. By the way, if these clowns continue to post stuff promoting their garbage, I'll have to protect this with a passcode.

On June 14th, Joey turned 1. I thought the day was great and his first 12 months were the best of my life... only if Maroni's drove down wyncliffe...

Even though we didn't take many pics, here are some to help us recall Joey's 1st berfday.


aunt ka said...

Great pictures! Who is the old guy sitting on the bench???? Does it count that the MORAN'S drive down Wynclife??? LOL

AuntP said...

OK...finally..thanks Joey. I love all of the pics.That old guy is my younger brother...that makes me feel good...younger

Joey is growing up too enjoy every minute..."2" is just around the corner!

Teacher Betty said...

Your Aunts are here!! We need pictures all the time. We don't see Joey ofter, so we need to have our Joey fix more often!!! Keep thos pictures coming. They are fabulous!

peditto said...

I thought the best 12 months of your life were '95 King of the Ring and hanging out at the NPB Boardwalk Casino.

Have fun with that snow, I'll be out GTL'ing. All day.

nike shoes said...
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johnny said...

son of dork

son of dork

son of dork

son of dork