Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pipers Piping

No, this has nothing to do with Christmas or the song. I just couldn't think of anything creative with the word 11 in it. Quick lightning round quiz, can you think of anything funny or creative about the number 11?

Anyway, Joey was 11 months old way back on May 14th. Here are some pics:


AuntP said...

The many faces of lil Joey! cute

Big Joe said...

You prpbably couldn't have done much with seven or heaven either.
Pictures are great, him looking at himself in the mirror is my favorite in this bunch.

aunt ka said...

He looks like he is scared to death in some of the pictures! What are you guys doing to him!!! He is soooooooooo cute.

Dana said...

Spitting image of his mother. So cute.

aunt ka said...

Who is Billyjfan????????HA